I went to sell my blood once when I was 18, because some of my loser friends would sell their blood to get
some money for booze or drugs. So I went to United Blood Services to sell my blood and they schooled me
on the greater need to 'Donate' - which I did and continued to do so for several decades.

Then, after several heart attacks and what not - They couldn't accept my blood anymore.

One time, when the Blood Bus stopped at my place of employment - We'd go out in small shifts - I took my turn
donating and returned to my work station, sat down, and was working with my hands on a high speed finishing motor
and felt some spreading wetness sensation - I looked down and my whole arm was covered with flowing red rivulets!

Shocking, but I knew immediately what it was and although messy - No danger. I decided to return to the bus for the
shock value. As I entered I saw shocked faces on my co-workers and even the nurse staff. But the nurses knew exactly
what had happened and could remedy it - and clean me up.

As one nurse arose and approached me, she asked, "Can you stand the sight of blood?"
Then I heard the voice of another nurse yell- "Catch Him! He's going down!"

I soon awoke, disoriented, legs spread out, sitting on the floor - with my head
cradled between the soft boobs of a soothing, cooing, young nurse.

I thought I died and went to heaven.