Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
I'm afraid of what McGeachin would do as governor. She's overstepped her authority several times as Lt Gov and has ignored state law. Whether you like Little or not, he was the best choice we had.
making people wear masks isn't over stepping authority? ridiculous covid mandates that weren't ratified by the legislature and passed as actual law, that has been debated and had the proper notice and comment period isn't overstepping authority? All this LT governor did was actually remove these "mandates" while she had the authority to do so. If you had the authority to disband and reverse illegal acts that another elected official enacted, again without notice and comment period or voted on by ANY representative. isn't it a persons duty who took the oath of office to undo such measures? I agree with almost everything you post rockchuck, but how do you reconcile this and say she is crazy for undoing illegal acts?

frankly I thought what she did was hilarious and put the spot light back on the governor. She brought debate to the issue. she also kept her oath of office and reversed these measures when she had the authority to do so. When the federal government comes to take your guns and your liberty, which candidate is most likely to tell the feds to F'off? IMO it aint Brad Little, he has a track record of folding to fear tactics and delegating his authority to the health department fauci's of the world. at the end of the day all we have is state and local governments that will defend our freedoms and rights.