Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Why did you blindly support his tyranny during covid? I recall you referring to him and his circle of lying misfits as “adults” or “grown ups” or some such bullshit while implying that those that didn’t drink his Kool-Aid were idiotic children.
Do you have a spine Steve or do you simply try so hard to fit in that you stand for nothing?….rhetorical question as most of us know that you’re a spineless propagandist with no moral center despite your pathetic attempts at fitting in with the MEN, something you know nothing about based upon your posts and commentary here.
I don’t usually go out of my way to run little people like yourself down but you really are a disgusting caricature of a wish-washy nobody that’s trying so hard to fit in with the big boys that he’ll say anything to try and gain acceptance.
Those that stand for nothing will fall for anything…..you’ve exemplified that axiom to perfection!
Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell
I quoted news stories of the day. They weren’t always what people wanted to read.
Yeah, sure you did.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."