Originally Posted by jnyork
We had rationing of sorts back in the 70's, you could only get gas on certain days of the week based on
the last digit of your license plate number. Then, only 10 gallons at a time. Then, you were likely to spend a couple hours waiting in line to get to the pump. Might get to this point again pretty soon here.

I was 18 in 1979 and was working in a gas station. The price went from $.28/gal up to $1.10/gal in about 4 months. It started with monthly allocations for the gas stations. So by the end of the month, a lot of stations were running out of gas. That's when we saw the long lines at the stations that still had it. We were one of those. It got interesting to say the least. I quit to get a fulltime Summer job right before rationing started.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan