Originally Posted by Hogwild7
My wife is a school counselor. The State scolded her last week for not counseling kids in perversion training. She is 4 days from retirement and can't get away from it too soon. We live in a conservative state and a tiny minority believe in this foolishness. But the Feds hold money over a state's head and force the warped agenda.

Similar here. Mine is the school social worker at the local HS. One girl who is supposedly gay came in to ask her about the feelings she has for boys. Sadly, my wife has to be very careful on what she says, but she does have HIPPA laws that protect her from sharing those discussions with the rest of the school. There’s a lot of pressure on kids to identify as gay but even more pressure on them to stay that way once the realize it’s all bull and they are actually not gay! If you can’t reproduce you gotta recruit. Pretty messed up world we’re in. My last remaining school-age kid it at the charter school.

Yours in Liberty,