BOZO O'Rourke is just a side show...

This shooting, I've been coming to this conclusion for quite a while...

Our government has clandestine operations that create such situations like this to undermine candidates and put ideas into the voters heads all the time... What makes people think that they wouldn't pull something like that domestically...

Buffalo and now this... some social retard high school aged kid... goes out and commits a shooting, and the news is all over it before the dust even clears... like they were prepared ahead of time, when to spring into action...

and each time this follows exactly by the numbers, when the DNCC is trying to convey at the immediate moment... and always happens that they go back to their favorite topic.. gun Control.... when trying to divert attention to their latest screw ups and snafus....

those who don't think that this loser was discovered on social media, then found, recruited, trained, supplied and set up to be ready to go on this kind of stunt, when called upon... these kids and a few teachers are sacrificed for democRat political gain... heck how many pre born children do they sacrifice every year... 20 kids at an elementary school is a drop in the bucket to these people...

The DNCC has a clandestine operation network controlled by the party, and I bet its pretty extensive... it certainly is organized and johnny on the spot when they need the problem in the front page of the news.. with exactly the points they are pushing...and it fits the narrative they need right down the line...

Yeah, the DNCC had those black citizens sacrificed in Buffalo and then they have had 20 kids at an elementary school in Texas today... Whats next and when is it? when is the public going to wake up and start making them responsible for the American Citizens and children they are killing and disposing of.... just to fit their agenda...

there are a lot of behind the scenes radicals, former CIA people.. military radicals.. people who have done this for our government overseas to disrupt politics in nations of our they do the same domestically when their masters at the DNCC need to call on them to do it again within our own shore...

call it tin foil hat all ya want... but I guarantee ya... that is EXACTLY what they want you to think...

pull something then blame it all on the other side, why they deny deny deny and make fun of anyone who can see it for what it is...

the solution is start taking down these behind the scene leftists and their handlers in Congress, Senate and the Legislative and Executive Branches of Government....

that is 30 plus Americans who are now dead this month... just to advance the DemocRatic Parties agendas....

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez