I enjoyed the early Connelly books very much, where he ignored politics and current events, but the last couple I have read have taken the shine off his writing for me. Dark Hours (Renee Ballard), The Law of Innocence (Lincoln Lawyer Micky Haller) have got a lot of references to Connelly's personal politics... from total Covtard panic reaction (masking panic to vaccine distribution priorities), to lengthy remarks on the "unthinkable insurrection'' in Wash DC and how horrible that is, questioning a Presidential election. I am not one of these guys that goes nuts boycotting anything or anybody I disagree with, but it sounds like Connelly has bought in to the Dem narrative pretty deeply. But I suppose if you want to hang with the in crowd in Hollywood and sell screenplays, you gotta talk the talk.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.