Why are the gun defenders ignoring the obvious? Why are the Democrats so concerned with saving the lives of children while supporting abortion? Why do the Republicans and the NRA, the GOA, etc. not point out this hypocrisy?

Total abortions for the year 2019 = 629,898. Almost 630K for one single year!
Ref: cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/ss/ss7009a1.htm

Child gun deaths, ages 0 to 19, since 1963 = 193,000. That's ALL ages of children for FIFTY SIX YEARS!
Ref: childrensdefense.org/state-of-americas-children/soac-2021-gunviolence

So according to a simple, one source google search, Democrats and their love of abortion has killed 436,898 more children in one year than the use/misuse of guns have killed in 56 years!!

When the Democrats truly care about the lives of children let me know!

"An open message for all Democrats; "Look you are nothing and your work is worthless. Anyone who chooses you is detestable."
Isaiah 41:24 (HCSB)