Just a quick public service note, Sportsmansguide has new British Mil-Surp Desert DPM Gore-Tex pants and jackets in-stock at fair, IMO, prices. $25 for the pants and $45 for the jackets. I've owned and use both for four or five years and think that they offer a lot of value for the price. Probably not what you'd want to wear on a daily basis if you live in a rainforest, but for vast majority of us who don't, this gear will probably do the job as well as commercial gear costing several times as much.

The pants are SG # WX2-6254754.
The jackets are SG # WX2-236237

Please note that SG also has a very similar looking and priced windprood jacket in Desert DPM that is not Gore-Tex.

I'm not usually a fan of SG, but in this case I'll make an exception because these items are new and the price seems fair to me.