9mm is the Q 36 space modulator chambering of handguns for sure.

It can penetrate the front glacis plate of a M1A2 MBT.
The Ukes been taking out Ivan T-72,s and T- 80,s with 9mm bimetal rds which penetrate far more superior compared to western copper jacketed only rds.

It is the most fearsome rd on the planet.

Even has a seeker built into it so it cant ever miss.

We have used alot of 9mm Tomahawk missiles n conflicts the past couple of decades.
The Navy loves em...

I rest comfortably at night with my 9mm on the night stand.
Just knowing it can reach out and touch someone with its intercontinental strike abilities.

Even when I'm in the shower, my 9mm has my 6 with it's constant situational awareness.
Always watching
Always ready

The 9mm is the ultimate chambering!!!!