Obviously there are few people that understand the value of a long arm. All the shotgun support is still lacking real world use of a firearm. If you live in a city and are scared of your neighbors, a shotgun would be a good choice.

Out if an urban setting and where you might want, not only need serious capabilities, the centerfire rifle will still suit your needs to a much greater extent.

Arrows, knives and shotguns are only of any value in close quarters. Remember, Jerry is a competitor in targets and little real world shooting. If you compare how he shoots vs what the majority of shooting really is, you will see just how limiting a shotgun is.

Forget the celebrity of a competitive shooter, look at what you have done and what most everyone on this site does and discusses and you will see how little a shotgun is used.

It isn’t about popularity or competition when it comes to that one gun choice, it is about how well a particular firearm will cover multiple shooting practices, and the centerfire rifle wins hands down…

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]