Originally Posted by Raeford
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by Raeford

Guessing we got one more fight left in this thread.


Hell yeah!
Yanks & Rebels and alla that kinda shiff!

I heard Oregon owned slaves and didn’t want to give them up.

That makes me a Reb, I figure.

But, alas, the the 20th Century came around and Portland, Oregon went to their knees to suck the Liberal dick. Still do, but now them Portlanders double fist each other for extra bonus points to see who can be more ‘Woke’.

Thing is, Portland is a Petri dish for the entire nation. The Liberal politics at both City and State level has, and is being exposed as a complete failure.

Oregon,,,,,Portland actually is helping, by default, to lead the way for other States to say, ‘Look’ - them dumbfûcks have been at Liberalism for 25 years and they’re more screwed up than ever before.

Some figure by association, all Oregon peeps are Liberal, commies, and POS….Not even close to being accurate.

Now, too many solid Red States have their cancer in their larger, metro cities. Shît is everywhere!

Keep watching Oregon. We’re the canary in the coal mine. Fingers crossed here that the metro populations in Oregon all die at their own hands.




Just be fûck’n normal for a change. You’ve always had some good information to offer. Just let the bad stuff go.

Flip some shît here, and there. But try and stay above the ugly….I know, I’m not one to talk. I will get low as fûck too. But not every week.

Just chill and target the right people for once.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”