I found my well had two veins cross drilled it driller said it was best and strongest well he had drilled around these parts. After that when he has had trouble finding water he will call. I have found water every time he needs it. NO CHARGE. But have a freezer full of beef, and pork. Also worked 25 years for a gas & water company of course they used me when they needed too. LOL Upper boss would come out and try but no luck. Also did mission trips to Haiti to find water but would not let locals watch they still have and believe in witchdoctors, and they are scary. Found 7 places for wells. they have drill 4 and all have water 5000 gal. per. day. When you see kids walk 2mi for 5gal. of water and carry it home on their heads. Well, enough said.

Grand Paw said it was a gift and I should share it. Alway have and always will.

Thanks, for reading.