I didn't have to buy a call for about 20 years. Our calls were made one at a time by an older lady and quality control was EXCEPTIONAL. I was one of the guys who evaluated prototypes for selection into production.

Then my days there were over. Had to start buying calls again. Ran the gamut of national brands. Junk. All. Then I happened on a custom builder who builds his calls............one at a time. They do cost more. But they are the ultimate of consistency one to the next. And they LAST.

I keep new ones.........still in the package.........just in a dark place at room temp. Once used...........and after every use......straight into a small Tupperware container full of straight mint mouthwash and into the fridge. I've got calls that are 5.....6......7 years old or more.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.