Top of the morning my cyber friend, I hope the day's been a good one for you all and you're well.

Another thing that Jordan Peterson has mentioned a few times is that when governments enact too many rules and laws there's a couple potential pitfalls.

The first and most obvious is that they have to have a mechanism in place to enforce the laws or they'll quickly be viewed as meaningless.

The second which seems to escape most of the Laurentian Elite Intelligencia is that people will only obey laws which they believe are just. He uses the Volstead Act in the US as an example where the Feds said "No booze for the peasants" and the peasants said more or less, "we'll see about that".... right?

Here in BC before the Feds made weed legal, there was a fairly large segment of society - including professionals might I add - who chose to ignore it and imbibe of the Devil's Lettuce if they had a mind to do so.

This brings all sorts of unintended consequences like cash transactions and trading becoming the norm, then that can spin off into folks ignoring tax laws and other laws in general depending upon how far down the rabbit hole they go.

Out here for instance the FN folks I've chatted with have been 100% disinclined to acquiesce to the Fed's suggestions on turning in firearms. They've told me that "they've been there, done that. got the T shirt and aren't looking for another one"....

Historically speaking it's not a great sign when larger and larger subsets of any society begin to first disregard, then ignore and finally work at cross purposes to actively tear down their government.

If that's not what the Feds are looking for by doing this, that'd be good, because some days when I'm weary of the goings on coming from Ottawa, it surely seems like that might be their objective.

I hope and pray I'm wrong about that.

We'll see.

All the best and God Bless.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"