Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Amazing how many people are ignorant of our Constitution, what the bill of rights grants them in freedoms by limiting the federal govt.

While I try and remain hopeful that enough people will start to wake up, I frankly don't see how we can hold it together much long longer.

You've just touched on one of the most important issues affecting all of us, Barry. Starting with Reagan, our immigration policies have been so lax and permissive, we've inundated ourselves with "immigrants".

The problem with that is, these immigrants come to our country with the mindset of serfs of the country they just left. They do not understand the inalienable rights afforded US citizens, and tend to Ass-ume they are still under the same totalitarian structure they left behind.

I can't tell you how many people I've informed in conversation who do not understand and are aghast to discover that I (and they) have the right to carry a firearm every day on their person for the purpose of self-protection. The mainstream media does everything in its power to convince them otherwise, spewing the lies of the democrats.

I also can't tell you how many people I've engaged in conversation with who believe that continuing to pull the "D" handle is somehow going to afford them more freebies. What they do not understand is, when they continue to support democrats, they are ultimately assisting in the destruction of the very dream they came here to fulfill.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member