Have to add, every time the word “gay” is used to describe homosexuality the user has given in to the sodomites. Part of the game is changing the meaning of words in our language. ie make up word changes to glorify that which has always been denigrated. Turn sodomy into a more acceptable occurrence by calling it a nice, warm, attractive word like “gay” or “alternative lifestyle”. Remind those to whom you speak that homosexual men are homosexual. If we decide using slang terms is acceptable we then must allow negative connotations as well as positive. That is, your gay guys are now fraggits, mud pumpers, etc. Call them what they are. Homosexual.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."