Originally Posted by Andy3
Thinking to myself, this morning.......The ruling on abortion, and the explanation that justice Thomas gave, that it is not covered in the Constitution, therefore it is up to each state to rule upon it, independently.

Does this mean IF it's not in the Constitution, it's not covered by the federal government, correct? And should be handed down to the states?

So, national forests/blm land should be handled by each state? Welfare and unemployment? EPA/endangered species protection act? Car mileage/emissions? That's just a start.....the list would be huge, I'm sure.

If so, what an opportunity to regain state's rights (or at least some of them).....and, keep the liberals penned up, in the states they came from.

What says you? I'm I off base? Pipe dream? On drugs? Getting senile? All the above???

OR.....just another brainwashed American, that has been conditioned to federal overreach?


The U.S. Federal Gov't is the biggest usurper of illegal power & authority that the world has ever seen.