Nope, not NASA's monstrosity rocket, but one at the far other end of the scale. Set to liftoff from New Zealand at 5:55 am Eastern time (USA), a Rocket Lab Electron rocket will launch NASA’s Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, or CAPSTONE, mission to the moon. CAPSTONE will fly to the moon on Rocket Lab’s Photon space tug, entering a unique halo-like lunar orbit to test deep space navigation and communications in the same orbit to be used by NASA’s Gateway mini-space station.

After getting into a low earth orbit, Rocket Lab will use their new Photon upper stage to perform a series of many firings to incrementally raise the orbit's high point until it is on a lunar transfer path. The 55-pound spacecraft will arrive at the moon in November. More info and webcast HERE

Tiny rocket, huge mission.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.