My morning ritual. Make a cup- or pot depending on mood while wife still sleeps for a few hours.
she bought this coffee make that has a hot h20 reservoir so all you do is add however much 'new' water for the amount of coffee you make and shut the lid. It starts filling the carafe immediately. I kick that off then head to the back yard and do some spot watering and fill the bird feeder with different seeds. That is my Zen I guess. We have several squirrels , some young and bold that get very close to me. I do my best to gently keep them out of the feeder. Yard is full of this am from them digging the millions of acorns dropped by my white oak. I was at war with the squirrels but at present see no harm mthey are causing . Love or hate 'em you have t ogive the things credit for their acrobatics and cleverness.

As for the birds I am actively identifying all of them- including the woodpecker that ate my facia! Trying to learn all the songs of each.

Off to fill cup #2. 'Morning Wabigoon.

If there is a poll I guess I am Maxwell House but wife is Folgers.

Last edited by kenjs1; 07/01/22.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius