Afternoon again sir, I still hope you're day's behaving.

Rather than edit this in to my initial reply, I'll put it here since it's likely best I relate tales of brothels in a different reply than one containing my late folks.

When we first moved to BC in the early '80's one of my shooting and handloading mentors was a rather "colorful" fellow who had come out to our part of the Okanagan from Alberta in the spring of '47 - on a surplus Harley and in a blizzard. He's been gone for years as well.

Anyways he was originally from east of Creston and talked about doing survey work south of Grasmere, BC where they'd head into Rexford for supplies. This might have been during the war still as he was too young for the service but not too young to be on a survey crew.

At any rate somehow the subject of Wallace, ID came up one day and he mentioned going down there one payday. That's a fair journey from Rexford but when I hit the post about Wallace, so help me I started laughing and could hear my late buddy's voice and how he'd pronounce both "Wallace" and some of the other words connected with the story. laugh

Thanks yet again for the memories sir, it's very much appreciated.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"