Good afternoon and Happy Fourth of July to you sir, I hope that it's a good one for you.

Please understand that in no way do I intend to speak for any other Canadian than myself, but once more the entry rules are federally set and enforced.

"They" don't really care if you ever go back to your cabin in Canada in all likelihood, but if the cabin is anywhere other than in the center of Toronto or Ottawa, the folks who live there and used to derive an income from tourism care quite a bit.

Please know also that I believe it's your right to spend your hard earned money where you see fit, there's no issue with that whatsoever.

Anyways, sorry for sounding like a broken record, but no, not all Canadians want this or don't care. We are working on rectifying the situation, but it's proving to be as complicated as many of us believed it was.

All the best and again Happy Fourth of July.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"