Young officer was sent to take charge of a French Foreign Legion outpost in the desert. While his aide-de-camp was showing him about, he noticed that there was a camel stabled in an out-building. Upon asking the purpose of the camel, the young officer was told that the men had needs and the camel helped to relieve those needs. The young officer was appalled by the thought of this, but decided to turn a blind eye to the practice. After a couple of months in residence, the young officer could not deny his need for the relief of his need and asked the aide to bring the camel to his quarters. Once the beast was in the room, the young officer was taken aback to see just how high off the ground the target of his intention was located. He dragged his desk chair over behind the camel, stood on it, and managed to relieve himself of his need. It was at this point that he realized that the aide had never left the room. He sheepishly asked, "Is that pretty much how the men do it?" The aide replied, "Well, not exactly - they ride her into the whorehouse in town".

Not a real member - just an ordinary guy who appreciates being able to hang around and say something once in awhile.

Happily Trapped In the Past (Thanks, Joe)

Not only a less than minimally educated person, but stupid and out of touch as well.