Originally Posted by denton
In a bit of a surprising ruling, the US District Court in Utah, a federal law against being an unlawful user of, or addicted to a controlled substance was held to be unconstitutional.

The legal reason was that the law was vague. It doesn't specify how long ago, or how frequently the substance was used. So a single use 10 years ago might be disqualifying, or it might not.

So I'm not too happy about illegal drug users being entitled to possess firearms, but it is a 2A win, I guess.

This ruling is only binding in Utah. It will undoubtedly be appealed. It would not be surprising to see this issue reach SCOTUS.

No worries there sir. Nobody has ever been prohibited from buying a firearm for being a drug addict.

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.