Good point. We can straight line vote in Maine. Definitely check. your state's rules. Maybe the best thing is to just vote for one candidate, BUT. that can allow fraud if your ballot is separated, and someone marks in other candidates for #2 or #3.

I am nkt paranoid. At the last census, the census taker came to our home. I g ave the minimum amount of info required by law ( name, address, number of people in the house.!. That was all. The census taker said, "That's ok, I will fill in the rest on my own.". Exsqueeze me?

I called tlwn office about this, and they forwarded me to the census field manager. I told him what happened. The field manager called me the next d ay and told me he met with the census taker, and her confirmed my report. The field manager told me the census taker was fired.taker

Each year, I have less trust in our government. Ranked choice voting is right up there. The best way to protect voting for just one canfidaye, and that candidate along is to have a co!umn that would allow you to vote wirh a selection of " null" or "" no vote" for other candidates. This would prevent potential fraud oc "after vote" mark up.

Ranked choice voting just plain stinks. Do all you can to have the Governor and state reps/Senators change it.

"Behavior accepted is behavior repeated."

"Strive to be underestimated."