I finally ordered a Gamo Urban so I could try a PCP on the cheap and I'm liking the gun!

I wanted a rifle with a small air tank so it would be pump friendly and wouldn't require a scuba tank or compressor.
(112 pumps from empty to full) I'll check how many pumps to top it off after 30 shots.

Light weight,6-3/4 lbs plus scope
5 year warranty
Decent accuracy so far, 1-1/2" at 30 yards with Crosman Premier 14.3gr while sitting. I've only shot 60 pellets so far... will test more tomorrow.
I scoped it with a Meuller 4.5-14 AO 30mm tube, left over from a 22 rimfire rifle.
I'll test it from a bench of course to see which pellet it prefers.

Ordered from the Gamo Store on Amazon $249 plus a cheap Chinese pump.

I've seen the name change Gamo Urban to Gamo Urban Fusion but I don't know if they're switching production from U.K. to Spain or what?
This one is U.K. with a hammer forged barrel, BSA maybe?

The trigger needs to be adjusted, It's squishy and the second stage is long and mushy but I'm not afraid to tinker a bit.
The air probe is set up for quick-couple connecting so no adapter is needed.

It's very quiet compared to my Diana 350N-Tech and even the TX200

It's a different machine than I'm used to but it may need to go squirrel and bunny hunting so I can really compare them.

I'll report more on accuracy as soon as I get some time from the bench.

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen