Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Climate change is real and the release of CO2 is making it worse (or come faster).
Of course climate change is real. It's been happening since the dawn of the planet. Has little to nothing to do with the activities of human beings, and isn't always bad. A return of an Ice Age would be bad, and it's sadly inevitable at some point. Warming periods are often good. Climate change was sometimes disastrous following major volcanic events, but there's nothing we can do about that. CO2 produced by man is minuscule compared to other sources. High CO2 isn't associated with tragedy in the history of the planet. Quite the opposite. High CO2 is associated with the thriving of living things. Plants particularly thrive on it. It's what they are made of.

Climate change is just the latest idea the elites are latching on to to gain greater control over the human race, to thereby reduce the vast majority to subservience, poverty, and death.