An interesting observation and not a PSA or anything Earth shattering but...

My GF likes songbirds so we have plenty of feeders including two suet feeders. I like shooting all the squirrels and chipmunks that also seem to like the feeders so it's a win-win situation.

Lately, the crows have taken a liking to the suet feeders so it has given me new and exciting target opportunities. Yesterday a large group of crows descended on the suet feeders and the shooting began. After there were six on the ground they decided something wasn't right with the suet and flocked off.

Since the GF doesn't like little bodies littering the backyard I dutifully broke out the bucket and pooperscooper. Wholly Crap it looked like a crime scene in the backyard. Must have been three quarts of blood on the ground. Didn't know crows bled out like that.

I've shot plenty of crows with a shotgun but drilling them with a .22 is a whole nuther kettle of fish.

Fun times...

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum