Originally Posted by dale06
Since there are no specific standards, I would not rate that a grade III. It’s lower and that’s my opinion. Take or or leave it.
I’d agree here. Every supplier of European walnut, whether it’s French, English, Turkish, Circassian etc etc. has their own grading names & standards. it’s all the same species: Juglans Regia. The figure can be different in different growing regions.
I’d consider that just above the basic grade, with no sapwood and some streaking. At AAA, which would normally be a grade under so called “exhibition” it should have some marble caking along with streaking in the butt, and the blank should have a slightly upward grain through the wrist and through the forend.
The wood is graded, but the blank should be graded as well.
45 years gunsmithing.. cut a lot of shavings off Juglans regia.

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