Originally Posted by GreggH
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Farmers/landowners create most of the over population problems themselves by not allowing enough people to hunt. The hardest part of properly managing the deer herd is restricted access to private land.
Total misunderstanding of a farmers situation. Most farmers here want a responsible group of hunters with whom they have a relationship with and can trust. On our lease we have raised the buck spread requirements to the point only a 3-4 bucks are killed on 1800 acres per year. Basically if you want to shoot deer it is going to be does. However, it makes for some great sits watching the parade of bucks that are going to be something one day.
I don't give a shyt how it is on your lease, I know how it is here as I've seen it with my own eyes. Even DEC says their biggest impediment to properly managing our herd is that so much private property is either completely off limits to hunters or too restricted and therefore under hunted.