Bought a new Extreme Weather MB .308 last Fall. Sighted it in then set it aside until the other day. The primers fired in it had shallow indents and a trace of flow. I also, though I had forgotten about it, had a misfire.

Monday I took it out to try out some loads with 130gr TTSXs. Fired two, then got several misfires in succession. Same funky-looking primers. Did a bit of searching and found some stuff on weak striker springs. Took it apart and the spring seemed pretty soft, in fact I could move it somewhat with my fingers. Called Browning/Winchester (Winchester/Browning if you prefer) and the nice lady in parts sent me a new spring and the retainer chop chop, and free. Installed it last night (the fun part) and test-fired 5 precious BR2s, albeit salvaged ones. Looks good.

Actual test-firing next week.

What fresh Hell is this?