Originally Posted by Huncho
Originally Posted by CCCC
Compared to when most of us were young, this is a different culture, society, government scheme and political game. Not for the better.

We did not give enough attention and did not work hard enough to preserve the ethics and government we took for granted. Most of that manipulation and outrageous deceit began with Lyndon Johnson - eventually Obama and his thugs outsmarted and outworked way too many of us that were too busy enjoying ourselves rather than killing their agendas. The rotten voting manipulation is the grand icing on the destructive cake.

Only through strict and constant attention, smart and tough actions, discipline, stamina and no small sacrifice of contentment can the coveted values and actions again be put in force. It can be accomplished - with broad and deep action, with the will to persevere and the courage to see it through all the way to success. Cut the head from the snake of corruption.

Will we?
You think order comings out of chaos without sacrifice? It’s going to be tough to undo what Obuma, Biden, pelosi and the Clintons have accomplished. All they migrants they have brought in, all the bad policies home and abroad. You are making it sound too easy.
You are naive if you think all this was done without RNC Approval.

You do benember Bush Sr. speech back in 91 about The Great New World Order, right.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a forty ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe, an Obama phone, free health insurance. and some Air Jordan's and he votes Democrat for a lifetime.