Originally Posted by DeanAnderson
Only box call I use is the big ol call from Dick Kirby, I like the size and the sound, it really reaches out.

Guessing you're referring to one of the Quaker Boy boat paddle calls. Most of them are overall pretty decent sounding calls. Yep. Dick also made a few paddle callers called "Road Warrior". Those are so big they could probably be designated as destructive devices. LOL !!! They sound like a seal in pain. But they're a neat part of Quaker Boy history.

Originally Posted by DeanAnderson
While collecting turkey calls isn't my thing, it sounds like it's yours and I'm glad you enjoy it!

I consider myself more of an "accumulator" than a "collector". While I have a good many calls that could be considered collectible......... I have a good many that can't. It's still relaxing to sit in the garage and play a bunch of different boxes in the evening.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.