Originally Posted by steve4102
The Washington Post has reported that the FBI was searching for stolen Nuclear Documents.

The narrative from the left is that Trump has shared these nuclear secrets with Russia.

Now the talking heads are hinting that Trump needs to follow the path of the Rosenbergs and be executed.


Did any of you read the comments to this "tweet"? Holy schidt. A bunch of outright Red Army bolsheviks. The Rosenboigs were "heroes"? This is the mentality that we are up against. And there's a LOT of them (despite what many of you living in your own little bubbles like to think) and they are only growing in numbers. They are the enemy. They cannot be "converted". They cannot be "educated". They cannot be "won over". They must be defeated. And to be brutally honest, there is only one way to do so.... and it isn't at the polls.