Originally Posted by shaman
Look, I'm the first to say that I find the concept of insects as food loathsome. However, I find it interesting that humans produce the necessary enzyme for digesting insect protein. Without it, insects would pass through the system undigested. That means that at some point in our evolution, we relied on insects as part of our diet. Bottom line: God wanted us to eat bugs.

I also remember a teacher in Sunday School back in my days among the Presbyterians positing the idea that the manna mentioned in Exodus was some sort of insect. I looked it up; the best candidate is a scale insect that feeds on the Tamarisk tree.

What also find interesting is that 50-some years ago, they were pushing the concept of over-population down our throats and I was being told by teachers that some day we were all going to have to eat bugs, because we would be running out of arable land for crops. The over-population scare has since gone bust. Humans are going to peak out at some time in the near future and the world population is going to decline. This has to do with industrialization; when you get fat and happy, you tend to spawn less.

Still, there are guys like Bill Gates pushing this over-population narrative, and along with it, the idea of eating insects instead of beef. I don't buy any of it.
Shaman, that is all well and good for US and Europe which have had negative population growth for fifty years. If we could just get those "less civilized" nations on board.

But Mexico, Africa, and the Middle East keep breeding like rabbits. And we are expected to house and feed the overflow.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.