Well, why didn't he drop out? He is clearly not going to improve his distant-third-place standing the next go 'round, so why play "Ross Perot," split the R vote and push a Biden-loving Dimocrat into Congress?

If he really cared about Alaska he would have dropped out. Had he done that, I would have been far more likely to support him in the future. As it is he appears to be just another self-absorbed "hurray for me and screw everybody else" politician willing to see the state get hurt to further his own low-probability chance of success.

But as I said, he would not be splitting the vote if only his supporters were not so selfish and stupid. Begich got just under 54,000 votes, and almost exactly half put Palin down as their second choice.

The other 27,000 were either "exhausted" because there was no second choice made, or they put Peltola down as their second choice.

For so-called conservatives to think we are better off with Peltola than Palin is just mind-blowing. I don't know how a sane person reaches such a conclusion.