Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by losttrail60
Originally Posted by Seafire
I think the only way the democRATS feel they can maintain power FOREVER, is to make up something drastic, blame it on the other side, and then do all they can to KILL millions of Trump supporters in this nation. I'll guarantee ya, Assassinating Trump is high on their agenda. He can't be re elected in 2024 if he isn't alive.

Their tactics are not hard to figure out... if you ever read the writings of Marx, Trotsky, Lenin and Mao... all their plans and actions are right out of Communism 101.. and every time they screw up, the game plan is to just blame it on the other side.

If the democRATS get their way, many of us on this website won't be alive to see much of 2023....

and believe me... if you don't think that is their game plan, then you are blind to the obvious.

The left hasn't got a chance with "fair elections", and haven't for decades. and they have worn out their surprises in pulling election fraud every time...even the most clueless conservatives are finally starting to wake up to that.

many of us, our only chance of survival is to turn into Good DemocRATS....

Many Americans who have never lived overseas, suffer from the old " it can't happen here" syndrome...

they will find out differently soon enough...because the democRATS are running out of opponents, who will believe the next scam they are trying to run at time of elections....

The Civil War isn't coming. For the liberal left, its already here. They started it in 2020... and have been doing its starting shots since Trump won in 2016 with their Mueller Probe and their Russian Collusion and Impeach Trump fiascos, during his entire term in office.

"United we Stand, but divided we fall".. coming to a neighborhood near you.

People will just be pulled out of their homes, after it has been set on fire and shot on their front lawns or in the urban streets...
The UN will come in to 'secure the peace' as the democRATs set up martial law nationwide.

That is their biggest wet dream.... its all just a matter of time.. as the Conservatives just stand by and watch cluelessly with a "I hope that doesn't happen to me" look on their faces. Just like Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany and Communist China.. and a host of other radical take overs in world history. Yeah, it can happen here and will happen here.. because "Good People" will stand down and do NOTHING.

Ok you are passed the point of using tinfoil.LOL

No, Dumbass. He understated it, if anything.

Ha! Just another dumb azz tinfoil wearing Texan. Better find that bugout bag you have had packed since the Obama days.