Figure it this way, if you calculate how long you'd likely have the hinge actually in use in a year and then multiply it by 10 or so years amortization... You'lll likely be spending something like several hundred dollars an hour for the 'convenience'. I do like such products, but the cost to benefit ratio is horribly extreme. IF we were doing full business with China or India, likely the same unit would cost 'maybe' $15 in quantities of 100 pieces. With 3D Printers, likely here eventually even cheaper IF anyone finding sufficient market.

I'd employ my safety and bolt extractor or... Figure out a helluva good way to impress my friends with it! Casually carrying my Winchester 70 around, largely inconvenient and folks as in my church, likely too occupied 'grabbing floor'! smile smile smile

Different strokes for such buyers, for sure!
Just my take

Last edited by iskra; 09/21/22.