I extend this formal invitation to my campfire brethern to trash California, it's fun, it's easy, and for the most part, it's well deserved. The Speaker of my House and I went to the big town yesterday to get a few groceries, to 'save money'. 90 mile round trip to save money, burning gas to save money so to speak. Chevron, 6.99 for 87 grade. Union 76, 6.89, and the winner, Shell coming in at a mere 6.85. Here, the increase in fuel prices can't all be blamed on the industry. 1.18 state and federal tax. And then all these local stations have been bought up by big chain owners and they are gouging like you can't believe. Always a waiting line line at the Rez station where 87 sells for 5.69 a gallon.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.