Originally Posted by Geno67
People who shoot up morphine and fentanyl are fully aware of the dangers.

If they have a supply of it that's free - they won't need to commit any property or violent crime to obtain it. If they shoot up the correct amount, they live. If not, they won't. No different than when they had to scrabble, steal, rob and hustle for their next hit. It would be a good use of my tax money. Those who judge wrong remove themselves from the gene pool thereby improving it.

We need to stand aside and stop thwarting natural selection.
. You sound like the retards in Salem and Portland. Crime hasn't dropped, but use is going up! Yes they still commit crimes because drugs don't feed, clothes aren't free and neither is transportation, that they steal to go get the next fix. Then when they OD, along comes some goody two shoes with narcan! It doesn't fit into a normal society!! Never has , never will!