Top of the morning to you sir, I hope the day's looking to be a good one out in Montrose, Pa and you're all well.

With the understanding that I'm answering this off of a foggy old guy, only one cup of coffee into the day because it's still dark here in BC sort of situation.

When I was a kid, my Dad and favorite uncle would leave on an annual moose hunt a few hours north of us in what was known as "the bush". They'd be east of Hudson Bay and Erwood so nearly Manitoba truly.

My family found it "interesting" to say the least that I'd make a fuss not being invited along from a very, very young age while my brother who is 9 years older than me never really wanted to go, though he did try it at least one year - maybe?

Me in '65 with a moose head and my ever present rifle. Some of this runs pretty deep in us does it not? wink

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Most of the guys wore white because they could buy used white coveralls from the industrial cleaning places who supplied them to different industries. Back then in the '60's the colors were yellow, scarlet, orange or white and any combination of them except the cap couldn't be white.

Usually Dad and Uncle Frank had these heavy scarlet caps that the ear flaps would fold down, but not the classic Elmer Fudd type - it was different.

I recall seeing someone with either a scarlet or orange suit when I was about 15 and thinking they sort of stuck out like packrat crap in a sugar bowl. It was that uncommon to see any suit besides white in our part of eastern Saskatchewan.

We don't have mandatory colors here in BC so when I moved here and started hunting with Dad who'd moved here earlier, one of the first things I did was buy him a fancy and for us then expensive warm camo cap with ear flaps from Cabela's. Because it was a gift from my wife and I, he wore it instead of his old Saskatchewan scarlet or orange cap, but I'm wondering if he was like me and had "lucky" hunting clothes?

Funny I never thought about that until just now, but it could be.

Dad was a staid and practical farmer and a devout believer, so likely he never gave "lucky" hunting clothes a second thought. Still, I had to get this inexplicable belief from someone, didn't I? laugh

Hope that answered your question sir or at least gave you a chuckle.

Good luck on your hunts this fall.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"