That is a decent start. I found out (here) that getting and keeping your mold to good casting temperature, 315-350 degrees. helps the fill out of the alloy leaving you sharper and cleaner looking bullets. Adding a bit of tin to your alloy breaks the surface tension of the lead but tin is expensive. So pre-heating your mold is the cheapest way to get better bullets. So a temperature probe or a infrared gun ( really helps. The probe gets into your pot while the gun reads the surface.

Getting your molds TOO hot may warp them. Getting your alloy too hot will boil your tin out of the alloy. It is a game of watching and balancing your rate of casting to how hot your are making your alloy and mold. Once you find your sweet spot you will love your production.

As for substitute ingot molds I use stuff like this:

I pour them to about a inch deep so they will fit into my pot.

What did you lube those bullets with?

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe