Wandering through a local pawn shop, I noticed a Redding "Powder & Bullet" scale. Marked for $35.
It's in the original box with all its parts, even the instructions.
"I'll give you $20!"
The clerk grabs the box and walks off. I wondered if I had tic'd him off. THEN I realize he's headed to the checkout! Almost ripped my pocket off trying to get my wallet out! 😃
The little scale is absolutely pristine. The stand has a small reservoir that holds oil. The beam has a "paddle" that sits in the oil reservoir. The oil and paddle act as a dampener rather than magnets.

At home, I'm sitting in my recliner, admiring my new "toy" when the wife picks up the instruction sheet. Literally an 8×10 sheet of paper with printing on one side.
As she unfolds the instructions, something flutters to the floor.
"What's this?", she asks and picks it up and hands it to me.
It's a 1959 Federal Duck Stamp, unsigned!
THAT little jewel is worth $80!
The scale? Meh, still worth about $45!
Not a bad deal!