Buddy of mine is a compulsive bargain shopper. Can't help himself. He knows what days all the local businesses put out the bargain table and he does the circuit like clockwork. He picks up almost anything that's a bargain. It'd be great if he turned around and sold them later at full price or more as part of his contracting jobs but he doesn't. He pays for several storage units and spends an inordinate amount of his time finding ways to consolidate his stash by building (or buying) more shelving and storage containers.

Recently when I needed his help stretching the carpet back around a new woodstove install we went to his storage units where he said he had some carpet tack strips. Couldn't find them but it was like living an episode of American Pickers or Hoarders. Ended up buying a Stihl chainsaw from him that he had ratholed from an estate sale 15 years ago. He'd never even seen if it ran, just stuck it in storage and there it sat.

Not saying the OP is a hoarder, just making conversation on the topic of bargain shopping.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack