Originally Posted by kappa8
Not car batteries, but AA or C alkaline batteries that let loose in your device (trailcam, radio, flashlight, etc).

I've used baking soda paste with minimal success. Emery cloth and/or wire brush - depending on access - seem to provide decent success, but doesn't get rid of all that leaked acid which always creeps back in.

How do you clean up the mess & refurb the SS contacts and springs so it's usable again?
The key is that the batteries are alkaline, a base. In other words, the pH is on the opposite end of the scale. I would suggest an old toothbrush dipped in plain white vinegar to neutralize the alkaline corrosion.

Most consumer dry cell battery manufacturers guarantee their batteries against leakage and damage to the item in which they are installed. Do a search for battery brand.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.