You would probably find the same at lapd, la County, Houston pd, Dallas pd, Atlanta pd, etc.

As long as the unfit, criminal officer goes with the flow at their department, they'll be spared.

However if someone dare speak out against the all mighty department, staff will go to the ends of the earth to see that officer fired.

You see, a vast majority staff officers (especially captain and above) only care about one thing, themselves. Those crooked cops are no threat to them, in fact they are quite useful, because now staff has something to hold over their head.....

Couple that with the current climate in this country, who da phugg would want to be a cop? Most large depts are hemorrhaging people, the ones leaving the profession. They can't fill the openings as is, why fire people? If you think le sucks now, just wait another 5-10yrs lol lol