Keith dunlap: Just now saw china joe in a new news clip where he calls AR-15 owners "stupid"!
For china joe to even try to berate anyone as stupid - well that is just laughably ludicrous.
But the true intentions of china joe (his handlers whoever they are) are being publicly touted by his comrades in the mainstream media - so expect trouble for the next few months.
Thank goodness for the current staffing of the Supreme Court of the United States.
And we can thank former President Donald J. Trump for much of that.
The village idiot now known as china joe biden has apparently forgotten about the recent decisions (court rulings) by the Supreme Court regarding "our" Second Amendment Rights!
We'll see - bottom line, be careful, VERY CAREFUL, who you vote for - or in turdqueens case who you don't vote for!
Sad fuqk he.
Hold into the wind