I own 5 different 10/22s to include a Stainless takedown with the Magpul Hunter stock (not backpacker) and honestly aside from the extra cost and the "wow" factor when showing off the takedown feature to friends; the takedown doesn't really do anything for me that a standard one doesn't already do. I never find myself in the woods with a gun in a bag in opposed to in my hands.

With that said, there are definitely instances where the takedown feature would shine. Some that come to mind would be a stoe away gun in a vehicle or camper. Bugout bags also come to mind. Or maybe you live in a neighborhood or apartment where walking to your vehicle with a dedicated gun case would draw the wrong kind of attention. So they have their place.

They have there place but for most people, myself included, one version (or 4) of the standard rifle would suffice.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same... President Ronald Reagan