Originally Posted by EdM
When I lived up there I found Canadian Gunnutz decent. Bought a fair number of firearms from it as well. That was 2004 - 2009. I haven't been on it since.

I agree gunnutz is a decent site, still they have don't rival the freedom of speech practiced here.

The site I am referring is A hunting forum in Alberta, which is ridiculous. I have personally witnessed the stupidity of their BETA MALE Moderators, and the infighting in insane.

One moderator posted a picture of his baby, calf moose that he killed, then a few days later he posted a picture of a severe cut on his hand. He cut his thumb to the bone while butchering it, what a moron. Who shoots a calf moose?

On that site I have seen so many great posters there, that are highly experienced and as well as excellent hunters that have been banned, me included because they did not agree with what I call "The Posse", a closely knit group of "Dimwits and Know It Alls" that control and moderate the site.

Anyway, I am just happy I found this site. Their approach is refreshing.