Just read only 5% (1 in 20) in the US have not gotten Covid.

Wife and I are in the 5% there, and the 3.5% of the jabbed who not gotten it. (2.5% of unjabbed have notgotten it )

Couple questions:

Are they counting the millions of illegals that have flooded into the country?

Isn't this then, simply a rather innocuous flu that virtually everyone is going to get (as with all flus) , and all this hoopla is essentially meaningless? (Except for someone's bottom line and power play, of course , not to mention a world-wide field-trial run at biological warfare - the whole object of the Wuhan flu development and release).

This is in regard to the flu itself, - possible increased negatives effects on those jabbed are another issue.

Last edited by las; 11/27/22.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.